COVID, the Court and the Future of the Jury Trial
Fri, Nov 20
This summit is a collaboration between Online Courtroom Project and National Institute for Trial Advocacy. Join us as we present on Practical Tips for Online Presentations.

Time & Location
Nov 20, 2020, 3:00 PM
About the Event
As courts around the country have struggled to continue operations in the face of the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, each state and the federal courts have issued their own set of guidelines to try and resume trials. However, each jurisdiction, and each judge has also implemented their own set of practices, given their resources, staffing, budget, and judgement. While most of these national, regional, and individual practices have been conducted on a trial and error basis, the goal of this conference is to provide practical recommendations on procedures, resources, and skills for both courts and attorneys who are looking to conduct jury trials in this challenging time.
You can access the recording of the Summit here: